January 8, 2005

The Challange of Writing

I am reading a book on scriptwriting. In the book there are interviews with many professional writers that I admire. All of them give the same advice to aspiring writers. Write every day.

They say that the only way to become a better writer is to do it all the time. Sounds like a lot of work to me, but still good advice.

I am committed to doing just that. I want to write something each and every day. I can't imagine that each day will produce anything worth reading, but I will learn to use those muscles non the less.

I will post some things on here, and have decided to put up some short fiction on here from time to time.

Dos that mean I will post on the blog every day? Probably not. The simple truth is that I am not at a computer every day. Just most days. And on some of those days I am lazy, so we'll see what happens.

The challenge is to write something worth publishing. It's like in High Fidelity when Rob's girlfriend challenges him to contribute something to the artform he loves so much. It's the simple act of getting your stuff out there that is important. Becoming a part of the thing you love. That's the real challenge.

Posted by rnunley at January 8, 2005 12:01 PM

Buy Meridia

Posted by: Meridia at September 21, 2006 10:23 AM
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